����Give a rogue rope enough and he will hang himself.
������������˱���ȡ������ Haste makes waste is a proverb.
������������һ�����That proverb is apposite to this case.
�����������к���������Ρ�Tom was looking at Mrs Adams,as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king.
������ķ�����ǵ�˹̫̫��̩Ȼ�������ͺ���������˵�Ŀ��Ź�����è��In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations(Maya Angelou)
��������Щ��ʵ���������̺��ż����˼����ǻ۵Ľᾧ(���š�������)Of the nature of a proverb.
�����������������ʵ�.A proverbial phrase [saying]
��������,��Farmer��s proverbs and sayings.
����ũ������While the grass grows the horse (or steed) starves.
���������Զˮ���Ƚ���Love me,love my dog.
����n. ������ԣ����ԣ�������֪���ˣ����£�
����His punctuality is a proverB. (He is a proverB for punctuality.)
����������ʱ���������ġ�There is a proverb with reference to the killing of cats
������һ�����������è�����������There is a proverb with reference to the killing of cats.
������һ�����������è�����������The genius wit, and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.
����һ���������ţ����Ǻ;������������п��Է��֡�The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy.