A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
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son and h s father ere alk ng on the mounta ns.
Suddenly, h s son falls, hurts h mself and screams, “ hhhhhh!!!”
To h s surpr se, he hears the vo ce repeat ng, some here n the mounta n, “ hhhhh!!!”
ur ous, he yells, “ ho are you ?”
He rece ves the ans er, “ ho are you?”
He looks h s father and asks, “ hat’s go ng on?”
The father sm les and says, “ y son, pay attent on.”
nd then he screams to the mounta n, “You are a champ on!”
The vo ce ans ers, “You are a champ on!”
Hello, fr ends! t’s me, Berry, ten years old, ha ls from uhu c ty nhu Prov nce. ’m n grade four Yuhong pr mary school. L kes f sh, play basketball and football, proud son of lov ng parents; Zhangyan and ShaoZenggang . l ays bel eve n yourself. Be part of N RLD N DR .
Go,t o thousand e ght B J NG LY P S.
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【A son and his father were walking on the mountains.】相关文章:
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