My friend
have a lot of fr ends, but have only a fe good fr ends. ne of them s my best fr end. e are both t elve years old. He s fat and tall. He l kes to eat oranges and meat. He s very stra ght and generous. e al ays help each other. He s a n ce boy and h s math s very good. He l kes to play football and basketball. enjoy play ng th h m because can learn a lot from h m. He can al ays come up th smart ans ers to those d ff cult quest ons. e usually play together after school n the afternoon. He s very funny and somet mes he tells me some nterest ng stor es but somet mes he sets me up. fter all e get a long ell. But somet mes e f ght each other. H s goal s to be a math teacher. He l ves n L nShan and l ve n angshan. But e are good fr ends.【My friend】相关文章: