
时间:2021-03-03 11:22:17 五年级英语作文 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1

  My Backpack

  I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very "hard-working", because I keep all my school things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time during school days. It is a good friend of mine.

  五年级英语作文:Jack home

  A long time ago. There was a young boy. He lived in Shanghai. His name was Jack. He was friendly. So he has many friends.Spring came. Jack didn‘t have any food. His friends gave him a lot of food. He was greatful to his friends. Then he planted some rice. He worked very hard. In Summer, he built a new house. Beacuse his house was small and old.

  In Autumn, he cut the rice and put the rice in his new house.One day a rat came to his house, and ate his rice. So he was angry. He bought a cat. The cat ate the rat. Jack was very happy. He gave the cat a lot of food. Jack‘s little dog was not happy. He chased the cat. The cat was scared. So she ran away.

  In Winter, Jack and his dog stayed in the new house. Because it was warm there. Jack was enjoying the food with his good friends.

五年级英语作文 篇2


  上课刚不久,MISS林就开始讲课,讲着讲头着,我就开始无聊,心里想:有没有搞错啊!下课铃怎么还不响啊!不一会只听见MISS林说“女同学都站起来…… ……”女同学“呼”地都站起来了,可俞郁雅却半站着,本来她半站着也没事,可偏偏这个时候江胜鸿这个多管闲事外加多嘴的家伙说了一句:“俞郁雅你是男生啊?”我看了MISS林一眼,心想:幸好没被发现。谁知老天爷是不是跟我过不去。江胜鸿这只“害群之马”还是被MISS林的火眼金睛给盯住了。MISS林顿时火冒三丈,我不由在心里祈祷道:上帝啊!你可千万不要让MISS林惩罚我们!就在此时,MISS林发话了:“第四小组有人在说话,罚抄第五页十遍!”听了这话,我全身就像被倒了一盆冷水,我真想冲上前去把江胜鸿打个半死才解气。


五年级英语作文 篇3

  i want to be a headmaster when i grow up. i think that’s a good job. my school is in the forest. it’s very beautiful. i go to work by benz at eight o’clock in the morning. the teachers in my school are kind and patient. the female teachers in my school are good looking and young. the male teachers are handsome and strong. they are all hardworking so they get good salary. the children in my school have three classes in the morning. in the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest. they have no homework. they are very happy! at four o’clock in the afternoon, i go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my benz. they are for my dinner.

五年级英语作文 篇4


  那天中午,我开始教弟弟学英语了。我说:“Glad to see you。”弟弟却说:“Glag to she you。”我听了很生气,说:“不是‘Glag’,‘Glad’,另外不是‘she’,是‘see’。”弟弟虽然把“Glad”改过来了,可是“see”仍是改不过来。我说“see”,他呢,偏偏说“she”,好像成心气我似的'。我让他看着我的嘴,看看我是怎么发音。他看了一会儿,改了过来。可是过了一会儿,又读成“she”了。我说:“不是读‘she’,而是‘see’,把舌尖稍微翘一点,舌头的两边放到牙齿的两侧,牙齿的中间留一点空隙,开始发音,就发出‘see’了。”




五年级英语作文 篇5

  I have many friend.Do you know who they are?Are they my pet?

  No.Are they my classmates?No. Let me tell you:they are my favourit book.

  I like books very much.I like reading science book,cartoonbook so on.not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure.

  I love books!





五年级英语作文 篇6

  一.以“My day”为题,写一篇短文。

  I get up at 6:50 in the morning. I do morning exercises at 7:00. I go to school at 7:30. I have English class at 10:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I do my homework at 7:00. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day.

  二.以“My weekend”为题,写一篇短文。

  On Saturday, I usually (often) climb mountains. Sometimes I visit my grandparents and go shopping with my mother. On Sunday, I often play sports and play the piano. Sometimes I take pictures. I like my weekend.

  三.以“My favourite season”为题,从季节,天气,服装,事情等方面写一篇短文。

  My favourite season is spring. The weather is windy and warm. I can wear my sweater. I can fly kites. I can plant trees, too. The trees are green. The flowers are colourful.

  My favourite season is summer. The weather is sunny and hot. I can wear my T-shirt. I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice-cream. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.

  My favourite season is fall. The weather is windy and cool. I can wear my shirt. I can climb mountains. I can go hiking, too. I can eat many fruits.The trees are yellow.

  My favourite season is winter. The weather is windy and cold. I can wear my sweater. I can skate. I can make a snowman, too. I can sleep a long time.


  There are four seasons in a year. I live in Yushan. It’s warm in spring. I can plant trees. It’s hot and sunny in summer. I can swim in the lake. In fall, it’s cool and windy. I can fly kites and go hiking with my friends. In winter, it’s cold. I can wear my coat.


  My birthday is March 12th. It’s in spring. It’s warm. The trees are green. I can plant trees. I can fly kites. I can climb mountains with my friends.


  It’s 7:00 in the evening. Everyone is at home. My father is writing an e-mail. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My brother is doing homework in the study. My sister is washing the clothes. I am watching TV in the living room. We are happy (busy).

  七.以“At the zoo”为题,写一篇短文。

  Today is Sunday. It’s sunny. I’m at the zoo. Look! The monkey is swinging. The elephants are drinking water. The birds are flying. Oh, no! The lions are fighting. The bear is sleeping.

  八.以“A field trip”为题,写一篇短文。

  Today is Sunday. It’s sunny. We are going on a field trip. The students are in the woods. Look! Sarah is writing a report. Amy and Chenjie are having a picnic. Mike is counting insects. John is collecting leaves. What about ZhangPeng and Wu Yifan? Oh, They’re playing chess. We are happy.


  Today is my birthday. We’re in the zoo. Look! The mother kangaroo is jumping. The baby kangaroo is sleeping. Some pandas are climbing trees. Some pandas are eating bamboos. They’re so cute. Oh, no, The two bears are fighting. The monkeys are swinging in the trees. I’m happy!

  十.以“In the park”为题,写一篇短文。

  Today is Saturday. It’s sunny. We’re in the park. Look! Chen Jie and Amy are reading a book . John is doing an experiment. Mike is catching butterflies. I’m picking up leaves. We’re happy.









